dilluns, 28 de gener del 2013

com peta 12-01-13

Hola a tothom!!!! avui penjo el programa que es va emetre el passat 12/01/13. És la primera part de l'especial ''millors discs del 2012''.



Intro com peta

1. Unisonic - Unisonic
2. Running wild - Piece of the action
3. Jaded heart - Saints denied
4. Arkania - La bestia dormida
5. Saratoga - Revolución
6. Dragonforce - Fallen world
7. Freedom call - Hero on video
8. Sonata arctica - I have a right
9. Circus maximus - Game of life
10.Dünedain - Ahora o nunca
11.Primal fear - Marching again
12.Blessed by a broken heart - Forever
13.Heat - Living on the run
14.Sunstorm - Wish you were here
15.Chris Antblad - In your eyes
16.Barricada - Aguardiente
17.House of shakira - fractions of love
18.Jeff Scott Soto - Elena  

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