dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2012

Després d'uns dies sense publicar res (Per manca de temps), avui ''postejo'' el programa emés a ràdio Montblanc el dissabte dia 27/10/12

com peta 27-10-12


Intro com peta

1. Asia - Tomorrow the world
2. Phenomena - Homeland
3. Gotthard - Give me real
4. Kiss - Hell or hallelujah
5. Lita Ford - Bronded
6. Queen - Life is real
7. Art by numbers - The mean in the box
8. Circus maximus - Reach within
9. Age of artemis - Truth in your eyes
10.Jaded heart - Into tears
11.Jorn -  Chains around you
12.Iron maiden - Run to the hills

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