dimecres, 1 d’agost del 2012

com peta 28-07-12

Hola!, avui us deixo l'últim com peta que es va emetre el passat dissabte dia 28/07/12.


Intro com peta

1. Running wild - Piece of the action
2. Sonata arctica - Only the broken hearts
3. Manowar - El gringo
4. Nocturnal rites - against the world
5. Dynazty - Love junkie
6. Blessed by a broken heart - Rockin all night
7. Saurom - El principe
8. Barricada - La balanza
9. House of shakira - Midnight hunger
10.Chris Antblad - She makes love with the light on
11.Osukaru - Promised land
12.Sunstorm - Emily

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